Growing Strawberries

   I love strawberries and will often spend a pretty penny for them. This year I have decided to grow a garden to cut down on grocery costs as well as teach my children the lost art of "Eat What You Grow".

   I planted tomatoes in an indoor greenhouse a few days ago and I am anxiously awaiting a nice fresh tomato sandwich. While waiting for that I am continuing on with the planting. Today I planted 3 strawberry plants 2 of them were a gift from my sweet momma.

   Strawberries seem to come in only one form a dirty messy ball of dirt and roots. I searched high and low for strawberry seeds, no luck. Strawberries seem to be pretty fail proof (watch mine not grow now) you just put the root thingy in some dirt and let her go.

   All I really have to work with is red clay here in the south, but I read that strawberries aren't picky about soil, so I just went with it.

  • add dirt to pot
  • make hole
  • put root ball in root side down, if there is a plant visible leave it above ground level
  • cover all but plant with dirt
  • water
  • wait for strawberries.
invested $2.00 per pot and the strawberry roots were $3.00 each. The pretty red dirt was dug from our yard by my daughter= free.  Total invested $15.00 or same cost as 4 packages of strawberries at grocery store. Will see how much I save when it is time to pick them.

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